From Trey's Mouth to My Vocab Page

1.  Grok- to share the same reality or line of thinking with another physical or conceptual entity. Author Robert A. Heinlein coined the term in his best-selling 1961 book Stranger in a Strange Land. In Heinlein's view, grokking is the intermingling of intelligence that necessarily affects both the observer and the observed.

From the novel:

Grok means to understand so thoroughly that the observer becomes a part of the observed—to merge, blend, intermarry, lose identity in group experience. It means almost everything that we mean by religion, philosophy, and science—and it means as little to us (because of our Earthly assumptions) as color means to a blind man.

The Oxford English Dictionary defines grok as "to understand intuitively or by empathy; to establish rapport with" and "to empathize or communicate sympathetically (with); also, to experience enjoyment." Other forms of the word include "groks" (present third person singular), "grokked" (past participle) and "grokking" (present participle).

In an ideological context, a grokked concept becomes part of the person who contributes to its evolution by improving the doctrine, perpetuating the myth, espousing the belief, adding detail to the social plan, refining the idea or proofing the theory.


2.  Jammin' on the 1- Cosby Show Season 2 Episode 18- Denise and Theo are thrilled when they are involved in a minor car accident with a limousine whose only passenger is superstar singer/songwriter Stevie Wonder. Wonder feels so bad about the accident that he invites the whole Huxtable family to a recording session.  Mr. Wonder records a sound from each of the characters (Theo's line was 'jammin on the 1' which was his response to Mr. Wonder's question, "what would you say at a party."  At the end, Mr. Wonder compiled the parts and a new song emerged.


3.  The Third Entity- Creating the third term out of the interaction between parties.


4.  Distributed Ontology- ontologies to be developed in distributed environments by authors with disparate backgrounds.


5.  Crowd Sourcing- A large group working on a single task.


6.  Neologism-

1. a new word, meaning, usage, or phrase.
2. the introduction or use of new words or new senses of existing words.
3. a new doctrine, esp. a new interpretation of sacred writings.
4. Psychiatry. a new word, often consisting of a combination of other words, that is understood only by the speaker: occurring most often in the speech of schizophrenics.


7. Kairos- Just the right time, the opportune moment


8,  Exigence-

1. exigent state or character; urgency.
2. Usually, exigencies. the need, demand, or requirement intrinsic to a circumstance, condition, etc.: the exigencies of city life.
3. a case or situation that demands prompt action or remedy; emergency: He promised help in any exigency.


9.  Thin-slice- to skim or scan a text


10.  P'ansori- Korean epic opera melodies


11.  grid-up- creating a web of links to facilitate access to various content


12.  wikidelic-

     1.  Many who work intensely in the wiki realm report that wikis, as blank portals to the infinite, summon an uncanny liveliness and intelligence seemingly distinct from any of the participants. We call this effect "Wikidelia."

     2.  Gettin' wiki wit it


13.  Google Android- is a mobile operating system running on the Linux kernel. It was initially developed by Google and later the Open Handset Alliance


YouTube plugin error


14.  Parataxis- (from Greek for 'act of placing side by side'; fr. para, beside + tassein, to arrange; contrasted to syntaxis) is a literary technique, in writing or speaking, that favors short, simple sentences, without the use of coordinating or subordinating conjunctions. It can be contrasted with hypotaxis.

It is also used to describe a technique in poetry in which two images or fragments, usually starkly dissimilar images or fragments, are juxtaposed without a clear connection. Readers are then left to make their own connections implied by the paratactic syntax.  Ezra Pound, in his adaptation of Chinese and Japanese poetry, made the stark juxtaposition of images an important part of English language poetry



15.  folksonomy- a system of classification derived from the practice and method of collaboratively creating and managing tags to annotate and categorize content;[1] this practice is also known as collaborative tagging, social classification, social indexing, and social tagging.[citation needed] Folksonomy is a portmanteau of folk and taxonomy. Folksonomies became popular on the Web around 2004[2] as part of social software applications such as social bookmarking and photograph annotation. Tagging, which is characteristic of Web 2.0 services, allows users to collectively classify and find information. Some websites include tag clouds as a way to visualize tags in a folksonomy.[3]



16.  Janus Head- In Roman mythology, Janus (or Ianus) was the god of gates, doors, doorways, beginnings and endings. His most prominent remnants in modern culture are his namesake, the month of January, which begins the new year. He is most often depicted as having two faces or heads, facing in opposite directions. Janus is one of the few major deities in Roman mythology that does not have a Greek origin or counterpart.


17.  Caesura- In meter, caesura (alternative spellings are cæsura or cesura) is a term to denote an audible pause that breaks up a line of verse. In most cases, caesura is indicated by punctuation marks which cause a pause in speech: a comma, a semicolon, a full stop, a dash, etc. Punctuation, however, is not necessary for a caesura to occur.


18 & 19.  Panarchy and Heterarchy via Jesse

Trey uses the terms "panarchy" and "heterarchy" to explain the wiki pedagogy. The term "panarchy" was created as an antithesis to the word hierarchy in its original meaning of a set of sacred rules.  Panarchy is a framework of nature's rules, hinted at by the name of the Greek god of nature- Pan - whose persona also evokes an image of unpredictable change. "Heterarchy" is a network of elements in which each element shares the same 'horizontal' position of power and authority, each playing a theoretically equal role. "Horizontal" is an apt formal description of wiki-based learning. I should note, however, that our particular course-wiki has a backlog of scripts, rubrics, guidelines, time-lines, and blueprints from which to build and expand.




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